
Crisis in Kashmir - The Second India–Pakistan War

This is a gaming period I have been wanting to tackle over the last couple of years, really ever since the scenario book for this was published by SkirmishCampaigns and I played in a fellow gamer's events. 

The various scenarios do not call for a great deal of aircraft, so this could be managed decently well in 1/285 scale. However, there is one scenario that does call for six Canberra bombers, and if one wants to do every scenario in the book, there are some one offs for other aircraft types as well. One could either forego those one off aircraft types and still manage to cover many of the other scenarios in the book, or one might consider going to 1/600 to manage costs more effectively. Tumbling Dice happens to make every aircraft type needed, but their castings are a little disproportionate, at times even cartoonish. But at that scale with with a solid paint job it would be a cheaper and complete alternative to going with the more limited Raiden offerings. 

However, as the Indian Canberras, and for that matter the Vampires, are only in one scenario apiece, I am moving forward without those two aircraft types. I've placed my order with I-94 and will be having Chris Geisert of I-94 paint the planes. For those who are intimidated about the Jet Age rules and in particular adding in radar and missiles, this war allows one to ease into those aspects without too much effort. The missiles that were used were not always reliable, let alone available, and are very rudimentary in nature so not overwhelming to learn. 

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