
One Hundred Hours War - Gamed!

I finally got around to hosting the Soto Gets Three scenario (download to the upper left) after breaking down and doing the chore of adding magnets to the planes. While the scenario is a mosh of two actions on the same day, and some of the variable rules are more hypothetical in nature, I hosted a game at the Dragon's Guildhall on the east side of Dayton. As I had five players, I went ahead and added all the variable rules that added more aircraft to allow enough planes on the table. It was a fun time, and some good feedback from the game. I am tweaking the scenario a bit, after re-reading my book on this conflict and seeing some interesting posts on the Check Your 6! group. 

It was a tough go for the Salvadorans...losing three planes while the Hondurans suffered no losses. The 20mm guns on the Honduran planes caused a ruckus, but one of the tips on the CY6! group can counter this a bit - each time a 20mm Corsair fires, any ones means a jammed gun moving forward. 

For my planes, I do realize that some of the castings used are not quite right - some of the Mustangs should have wingtip tanks, and the Corsairs with radar domes should not have the domes at all, but as these were spare aircraft from other projects, I made do with what I had. I think it turned out well!

Mustangs in trouble

Splash one!

Salvadoran Corsairs trying to look badassed

Does it hurt?

Closing in

A Corsair furball. 

Meanwhile, other Mustangs join the fray.

More damage for the Salvadorans.

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